Currently in Production
EP01 - Helping Hand
Young Detective Terry plans to break Dr. Dale out of the prison, what could be the reason behind his intentions.
EP02 - Friend or Foe
Episode revolves around Terry and Dale trying to find a support to fight against the corruptive sharks in the city.
EP03 - The Scientist
In this Episode, we will learn about the past of Dr. Dale and how he ends up in the prison cell.
EP04 - Fan Boy
The Past of Terry and how he became a detective and what makes him breaks out Dale out of the prison.
EP05 - Battle of Good vs Evil Part-1
Part 1 of the Finale. Will the Goodness prevails or will the evil stands at top, Witness a fight for justice against Sharks and how it may turns out for the future of the city.
EP06 - Battle of Good vs Evil Part-2
Part 2 of the Finale. Will the Goodness prevails or will the evil stands at top, Witness a fight for justice against Sharks and how it may turns out for the future of the city.